Submit forms using Javascript without breaking the Internet, a short guide

Do you write forms on the Internet? Are you planning to send them to your server with Javascript? You should read this.

The One-Sentence Summary

It's okay to submit forms with Javascript. Just don't break the internet.

What Do You Mean, Break the Internet?

Your browser is an advanced piece of software that functions in a specific way, often for very good reasons. Ignore these reasons and annoy your users. User annoyance translates into lower revenue for you.

Here are some of the ways your Javascript form submit can break the Internet.

Submitting to a Different Endpoint Than the Form Action

A portion of your users are browsing the web without Javascript enabled. Some of them, like my friend Andrew, are paranoid. Others are on slow connections and want to save bandwidth. Still others are blind and browse the web with the help of screen readers.

All of these people, when they submit your form, will not hit your fancy Javascript event handler; they will submit the form using the default action and method for the form - which, if unspecified, default to a GET to the current page. Likely, this does not actually submit the form. Which leads to my favorite quote from Mark Pilgrim:

Jakob Nielsen's dog

There is an easy fix: make the form action and method default to the same endpoint that you are POSTing to with Javascript.

You are probably returning some kind of JSON object with an error or success message and then redirecting the user in Javascript. Just change your server endpoint to redirect if the request is not an AJAX request. You can do this because all browsers attach an X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest HTTP header to asynchronous Javascript requests.

Changing Parameter Names

Don't change the names of the submitted parameters in Javascript - just submit the same names that you had in your form. In jQuery this is easy, just call the serialize method on the form.

var form = $("#form-id");
$.post('endpoint', $(form).serialize(), function(response) {
    // do something with the response.

Attaching the Handler to a Click Action

Believe it or not, there are other ways of submitting a form besides clicking on the submit button. Screen readers, for example, don't click, they submit the form. Also there are lots of people like me who use tab to move between form fields and press the spacebar to submit forms. This means if your form submit starts with:

$("#submit-button").click(function() {
    // Submit the form.

You are doing it wrong and breaking the Internet for people like me. You would not believe how many sites don't get this right. Examples in the past week: WordPress, Mint's login page, JetBrains's entire site.

The correct thing to do is attach the event handler to the form itself.

$("#form-id").submit(function() {
    // Write code to submit the form with Javascript
    return false; // Prevents the default form submission

This will attach the event to the form however the user submits it. Note the use of return false to avoid submitting the form.


It's harder to break the Internet with validation. To give fast feedback loop to the user, you should detect and prevent invalid input on the client side.

The annoying thing is you have to do this on both the client side and the server side, in case the user gets past the client side checks. The good news is the browser can help with most of the easy stuff. For example, if you want to check that an email address is valid, use the "email" input type:

<input type="email" />

Then your browser won't actually submit a form that doesn't have a valid email. Similarly you can note required fields with the required HTML attribute. This makes validation on the client a little easier for most of the cases you're trying to check for.


You can submit forms with Javascript, but most of the time you'll have to put in extra effort to duplicate functionality that already exists in your browser. If you're going to go down that road, please put in the extra effort.

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3 thoughts on “Submit forms using Javascript without breaking the Internet, a short guide

  1. tomandyourmom

    Re: handler on click, as opposed to submit()

    All modern browsers browsers also fire the click event on the submit button when submitting the form in other means, e.g.
    – press space bar with the submit button in focus
    – press “enter” when a form element (non-textarea) has focus

    Can you give an example of a browser that doesn’t do this behaviour? Tested on: IE7-10, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, Mobile Safari, Mobile Firefox, Mobile Chrome, Mobile Opera

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